Hazardous waste materials produced by the IT industry are known as eWaste and the whole world is exploring ways to dump them or recycle them safely. They are looking only at the hardware.
But there are softwares which are obsolete, so a waste material(material?!) and if not cleaned up properly might be hazardous and it is produced by the IT industry. Atleast this gives more work for IT professionals(sweepers/Debuggers-maintenance)...
But there are IT professionals themselves who havent updated their skills and they themselves are hazardous waste material produced by the IT industry... I will be one of them soon. What to do with them?
Invent urself man. Stop sticking to the crowd. Inovate new ideas. Do somethings other don't do. Certain things might be foolish but someday it will pave the way for the world.
yeah thinking of a local heli-transport within b'lore...
should I apply for loan or IPO?!
Our education system teaches you how to prepare a fish and eat it efficiently, but NOT how to catch one :(
when the fish feeder stops feeding you fish, you become a waste !!
I am not against our great education system, just that it hasn't evolved over time.
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